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Low-level/Atypical Technology Fundamentals

- A guide I made for a friend on learning basic low-level CS -

This is a probably overwhelming dump of general info and resources to get you started with learning about “technology” on a lower level. You will have to do most of the research, this is just a general guideline/path that is non-comprehensive and not particularly well-organized. You might know some of this already so just skip those parts.

Software recommendations:

Below is various mostly FOSS software that I would recommend using if you have a usecase for it. These are just things I’ve been using for a while and have enjoyed, not necessarily the best options out there so take this with a grain of salt.

Typical stuff: VScode, GIMP, VLC, exiftools (removes exifdata - always do this before posting pictures as many phones add geolocation data), wireshark (packet sniffer - learn to use this), thunderbird, some sort of rss reader, keepassxc (use. a. password. manager. the earlier you start the better), gpg (send me your public key! Here’s a guide on getting one), some sort of clipboard history manager (I personally can’t live without this but depends on your workflow), learn docker (there’s a video on implementing it in golang on docker’s main website, if you speed through it you should get the gist of containerization), degoogled chromium and tor-browser-bundle are good browsers (Use Ublock Origin, huge QOL improvement), valgrind for detecting memleaks in C/C++, nmap for network-mapping (run it with some scripts to pentest your own net), zsh over bash (I can give you my dots), for shell: dust to replace du, broot to replace tree, bat to replace cat, flameshot for screenshots